Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Thursday's Call.

The call is 70%  long EM and 30%  long spx. <>

I will trade at 40%.

the EM sys has the bias.

If the adre closes below 43.97  the EM call will switch and I will trade at 90%.

The call has changed to short the Rut.  the EM call will depend on the 3:50 price.

The call ended up being short EM and Short Rut.  The adre closed above 43.97 but the 3:50 price was 43.94.  The futures look like it will be an up day for EM but this could change before close.


  1. just want to be sure- are you saying that if adre < 43.97 as of 3:50 then you will go short Em mkt?

    For now I am just staying with a single fund - the one you are biased to.


  2. Yes.... the sys. listed as bias is the old sys I used last is still a good sys but I hope that by diversifying between two good systems I will smooth returns. the old sys tried to anticipate which was most likely to perform the best in the future.
