Monday, March 22, 2010

Returns for week ending 3-19-10

Another week in the black....Nothing too exciting,  Let's see if it can continue, the emerging markets system has had a comeback of 55% since its low in late January....of course it had a large drawdown then so it is obviously volatile. Of the blended systems the new one is holding its own so far. Hopefully this will continue to be the case.


  1. If I only trade 1 of the 2 daily funds selected, should I go with the one with the greater percentage? thx

  2. Hi, I would not suggest that tho you could try but it is not designed for that. If you only trade one I would suggest that you follow the call that I post that has the bias...this will be the call of the old system and so far is keeping up with the new split sys. If you have been tracking the calls and have checked the performance of the 70% call vs the others...its' up to you...I haven't really looked at it from that perspective. Not sure if that explanation is too clear?

  3. ok so tonight the bias is to short the EM?

  4. Yes, sorry I missed your post.
